Vidarex Age Control

Prevention of service or entry for minors

Areas of Application

In many industries – whether tobacco products, alcohol, gaming halls and casinos, cinemas and nightclubs, or adult stores – business owners risk significant fines if employees fail to consistently check the IDs of individuals suspected to be underage. Manual checks are prone to errors and often rely on the motivation and work ethic of the employee responsible for the verification. This makes the business owner or manager dependent on the executing staff.

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The Vidarex Solution

The Vidarex VAC system provides a simple and reliable method for age verification by combining automated, video-based age recognition with clear workflows.

Age Recognition through Video Analytics

A camera monitors the entrance or any area where customers may enter or be served. The system determines the age of every face that appears in the video feed. If a minor is detected in the frame, their face is displayed on a mini-tablet or mobile device held by the sales or control personnel. This serves as a signal that age verification is required. The responsible person, such as the cashier, confirms with a single click on the device that the ID has been checked.

Management Oversight Feature

Supervisors have access to a user-friendly web interface, enabling them to quickly verify whether age verification was properly conducted for every individual identified as potentially underage. With just one click, they can review video recordings and check compliance with regulations, including ID requests and checks. This is an optional feature that may require the installation of an additional camera.

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